Hello and Welcome!
Maybe you read my book, heard me speak or found me on Instagram and now you’ve been added to this newsletter. Welcome!
For those of you veteran subscribers, I have transitioned to a new newsletter platform (from mailchimp to substack) because I exceeded the number of subscribers allowed for free. So sorry for any confusion, and welcome to my new and improved newsletter.
Who am I?
I’m a pediatrician and parent of a 2 year old girl and a 6 year old boy in NYC. My background is in academic complex care and school health. During the pandemic, I dove into writing as a way to continue reaching and helping people while home with my family. I’m glad you’ve found me, and it’s great to “meet” you.
What’s this newsletter all about?
As a pediatrician,
I have all of this training and formal knowledge that I’ve found invaluable when it comes to raising my own children. There’s no replacement for having a great doctor of your own who you trust. But I’ve seen how short visits can’t address all of a parent’s questions.
As a mother and a friend,
I’ve seen the real-world side of what works and what doesn’t. And I’ve found a lot of gaps - places where formal recommendations don’t always translate clearly from the doctor to the parent. So I’m drawn to discussing the things my friends ask me as their doctor-friend.
So the newsletter
will focus on behavior, sleep, development, nutrition, mental health, health education, safety, coronavirus and more.
I’d love share evidence-based parenting advice and health information in newsletter format.
Next week,
I’m planning to send out the first official substack newsletter with my holiday gift guide.
But I have been busy talking about how to plan ahead for the holidays in a pandemic. Click here to check out a 5 minute clip I did with Bloom TV or if you have an hour you can watch the webinar on how to make decisions and set boundaries this holiday season with Dr. Pooja Lakshmin an amazing psychiatrist.
If you would prefer unsubscribe you are welcome to do so at any time.